The MacLeod
- Built to Gilroy Homes Quality Plus Specifications 2018
- 1,628 square foot two-storey
- 22’x24’ garage
- 20’ exposed aggregate driveway
- Roof as per plan
- Windows as per plan, HS5A triple glaze with grills to front
- Sump pump
- Rail as per plan to entry
- Standard tub complete with 1’ tile splash
- Laundry as per plan
- Man door to garage
- 5’ fiberglass shower
- Double sinks to ensuite
- Kitchen as per plan
- Acrylic stucco exterior with buildouts
- Floor trusses
- Lighting allowance ($1,221 + GST)
- 95% furnace and direct vent water heater
- Covered front entry
- LifeBreath RNC205 H.R.V.
The Amara
The Modesto
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